Shop RG Support
Unitary System Builder
What exactly is the Unitary Heater System Builder?
- The unitary heater system builder is a step by step processed that allows users to select unitary heaters while being within the recommended rules of Roberts-Gordon.
Why do some selections appear or disappear based on the previous selections made?
- Selections that are either not available or not recommended will automatically disappear based on previous selections. For example: the GORDONRAY® DF heater is only available in NG. So, when the user selects “LP” as the gas type, the DF will not appear as a selection under “Select Heater Model”.
A warning popped up that says “sorry no burners match your criteria”, what does this mean?
- You have selected options that are not available or not recommended. The builder will not let you proceed until you correct your selections.
I want to select a shorter or longer heat exchanger length. But the selections are limited. What can I do?
- The model selected and heater rate drive the heat exchanger length. The selections shown will be the minimum heat exchanger length for that specific model/rate, and the recommended maximum length. Based on our approvals, you are NOT allowed to go shorter than the specified minimum length. Users have the option to select a “U-bend” to turn a straight heater into a “U-Tube” heater if space is limited for your application. You technically can extend the length of the heater beyond the listed recommended maximum length, but it is not recommended as end users may experience uneven heat distribution from one end of the heater to the other, and potentially have excessive condensation. This is why we recommend only the options shown for the selected model/rate. If you want a longer length, users will have to select the components separately in Shop RG, outside of the Unitary Heater System Builder.
How long can I make the heater? I do not see anything that says “maximum heater length”…
- As previously mentioned, to select a longer heater, users will have to select the components separately in Shop RG, outside of the Unitary Heater System Builder.
Understanding Heather Lengths: Although technically allowed to extend the heater length up to 45′ beyond the specified minimum heat exchanger length, it would NOT be wise to do so. It is important to note that any length beyond the minimum length is classified as vent pipe. And will also count towards the maximum vent pipe you are allowed which is 45’ with not more than 2 elbows (see Installation, Operation and Service Manual for more details). By design, the surface of the heat exchanger gets cooler the further away from the burner you get. This is because we have to cool off the hot gases inside of the heat exchanger so the exhaust temperature at the end of the heat exchanger does not exceed 480° F plus ambient temperature. This is required by the standard that our heaters are approved to (ANSI Z83.20). This creates what is known as an “upside down tear drop” heat pattern on the floor. However, it is important to note that this uneven temperature is easily compensated for with proper layout and design of the heaters (e.g. following recommended mounting heights, heater lengths, configuration, etc. Also, this information is important to know so you can understand the reasoning behind not extending the heat exchanger length well beyond the specified minimum heat exchanger length. A general rule of thumb is to extend the heat exchanger length no longer that 10′ beyond the listed minimum heat exchanger length. The heat exchanger will not produce a tremendous amount of useable radiant heat beyond that length. Many competitors might try to design systems with extended heat exchanger lengths, but these are poor designs that could produce excessive condensation, and the end user will not be satisfied with the results.
I want to select other accessories that are not listed.
A: The accessories listed are our most common accessories. If users would like to select other accessories, simply finish your heater selection, add to your cart, and go to the main Shop RG page and select your accessories manually.